“We Are Hooked on the Book"

On August 4, 1999, at Goodstreet Baptist Church, Pastor M.L. Dorsey, Sr. sensed God’s direction for him and anyone who wanted to follow him on a new journey. Pastor Dorsey announced to a small, dedicated group of believers that he is the pastor of a newly organized church by the name of True Believers of Christ Church. The first organizational planning meeting was held on, Sunday, August 8, 1999 at the Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church where Dr. David Henderson, Jr., former Moderator of the Northwestern District Baptist Association, is pastor. Watching God work was mesmerizing and marvelous.
The Lord our God blessed TBOC to worship in the Dallas Grand Hotel, one of Dallas’ finest, for her first worship service with an attendance of over 125. He continued to bless on Wednesday nights at Bible Study with attendance of 100 plus. Each week the roll increased, and the church’s membership increased to over 225.
The Lord our God blessed TBOC to worship in the Dallas Grand Hotel, one of Dallas’ finest, for her first worship service with an attendance of over 125. He continued to bless on Wednesday nights at Bible Study with attendance of 100 plus. Each week the roll increased, and the church’s membership increased to over 225.
While God continued to bless the church for eight weeks at the Grand Hotel, He had another plan. He spoke to Pastor Rickey Rush to allow TBOC to worship in his facility, FREE OF CHARGE. The only responsibilities given to the church were up keep of the property and utilities. On the first Sunday of October 1999, TBOC held her first service at the former Inspiring Body of Christ (IBOC) facility on 830 South Buckner Boulevard in Dallas, Texas.
In August of 2000, to follow its vision to be missionaries for Christ, the word “Community” was added to the TBOC name and TBOC officially became True Believers of Christ Community Church. Because of the diversity in the general area, TBOC did not want to limit herself to only one denomination of “True Believers”.
Through the first two glorious and triumphant years, God blessed TBOC with five dedicated and spirit lead associate ministers. They were Reverend Michael Levels, Reverend Reginald Phillips, Reverend Arthur Carson, Reverend Leslie Brembry and Reverend Alton Williams. In spring of 2002 Reverend Brembry was called to pastor in his hometown of Texarkana, Texas. Also in fall of 2003, God lead Pastor Dorsey to begin a Children’s Church Ministry. At that time he appointed Reverend Michael Levels as Youth Pastor.
In August of 2000, to follow its vision to be missionaries for Christ, the word “Community” was added to the TBOC name and TBOC officially became True Believers of Christ Community Church. Because of the diversity in the general area, TBOC did not want to limit herself to only one denomination of “True Believers”.
Through the first two glorious and triumphant years, God blessed TBOC with five dedicated and spirit lead associate ministers. They were Reverend Michael Levels, Reverend Reginald Phillips, Reverend Arthur Carson, Reverend Leslie Brembry and Reverend Alton Williams. In spring of 2002 Reverend Brembry was called to pastor in his hometown of Texarkana, Texas. Also in fall of 2003, God lead Pastor Dorsey to begin a Children’s Church Ministry. At that time he appointed Reverend Michael Levels as Youth Pastor.
Through the first two glorious and triumphant years, God blessed TBOC with five dedicated and spirit lead associate ministers. They were Reverend Michael Levels, Reverend Reginald Phillips, Reverend Arthur Carson, Reverend Leslie Brembry and Reverend Alton Williams. In spring of 2002 Reverend Brembry was called to pastor in his hometown of Texarkana, Texas. Also in fall of 2003, God lead Pastor Dorsey to begin a Children’s Church Ministry. At that time he appointed Reverend Michael Levels as Youth Pastor.
In September of 2002, the property on 830 South Buckner Boulevard was sold and TBOC was in immediate search of a new worship facility. Once again, Dr. David Henderson, Jr. stepped in and allowed TBOC to use the Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church building to conduct Sunday morning worship services. During this time, Pastor Dorsey and members of TBOC remained prayerful and had faith that God would bless us with a building.
In October 2002, TBOC found her home at the present location 4703 South Peachtree Road in Balch Springs, Texas. TBOC continues to grow both numerically and spiritually. Through her various ministries, members and, leaders TBOC has become a pillar in the Balch Springs Community.
In September of 2002, the property on 830 South Buckner Boulevard was sold and TBOC was in immediate search of a new worship facility. Once again, Dr. David Henderson, Jr. stepped in and allowed TBOC to use the Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church building to conduct Sunday morning worship services. During this time, Pastor Dorsey and members of TBOC remained prayerful and had faith that God would bless us with a building.
In October 2002, TBOC found her home at the present location 4703 South Peachtree Road in Balch Springs, Texas. TBOC continues to grow both numerically and spiritually. Through her various ministries, members and, leaders TBOC has become a pillar in the Balch Springs Community.